"Vive(a) La Compagnie (Vive L'Amour)".

OK, boys and girls, let's go WAY back: Despite its French title, this public domain college/glee-club/drinking/campfire/scouting song did NOT come from France. The author is unknown but it appears to be English from 1818. It shares its melody with 19th c. "Ireland Blocks The Way" and the Civil War Confederate tune "Chivalrous C.S.A." (1861). It also appears in "Carmina Collegensia" by H. R. Waite (1868) and the "Scottish Students' Song Book" (1892). Song? Alternate title? Answer: "Vive(a) La Compagnie (Vive L'Amour)". Growing up I learned it in Spanish from my Dad, "Unamonos todos en esta cancion, viva la compagnie, y el gozo llevemos en el corazon, viva la compagnie...". Always a staple around the campfire at Boy Scouts Camp Guajataka in P.R. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p3j5xlzwxc


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