Jim Steinman.

OK, girls and boys, let's span SIX decades: I share a birthday with this NYC composer/lyricist, pianist and producer. His songs have been described as both "epic" and "tragic". His compositions have been top hits for Meat Loaf (Mr. Loaf to you!), Celine Dion, Bonnie Tyler, Barry Manilow (he's SO sensitive!) and Air Supply. He wrote his first musical as a sophomore at Amherst in '67. Composer? Answer: Jim Steinman. I've always put Jim Steinman in the same category as Jimmy Webb - BIG songs! "Bat Out Of Hell", "I'll Do Anything For Love", "Total Eclipse Of The Heart", "Making Love Out Of Nothing At All", "It's all Coming Back To Me Now" and the list goes on... Carly Smithson, in my opinion THE best female voice ever on American Idol, did a KILLER version of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" when she was on the show, both live and in the studio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmcUpxsAFrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CTja5MhVvI


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